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Maimonides Leaders Fellowship

Explore Judaism in a Relevant Way! Experience Community! Earn $300!

Maimonides II

Maimonides II offers students who have already completed the Maimonides Leaders Fellows program the opportunity to pursue the aspects of Jewish knowledge and experiences that they desire most through an exciting and thought-provoking combination of classes, guest speakers, and group discussions.

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Shabbat Meals

Enjoy the best food on campus, a warm and fun community and a little taste of home

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B-A-R (Book A Rabbi)

Curious about any topic in Judaism? Searching for stimulating and relevant Jewish conversation, on your schedule? Check out the BAR (“book-a-rabbi”) today, and reserve your half-hour slot in Stamp or at MEOR to explore topics from philosophy to Talmud to kabbalah to relationships to simple Q&A

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Women's Programming

Learn, laugh and love a new kind of women’s program, including classes, holiday events, workshops, challah baking, and special trips tailored to your unique interests!

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MEOR Maryland,

7403 Dartmouth Ave,

College Park, MD 20740


Tel: 301.403.8823


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